Meet Zoe, the ACLU of Wyoming's Development Director!

We the People is a blog series that features the stories of members, supporters, volunteers, and allies of the American Civil Liberties Union of Wyoming. Together we are accomplishing critical work in our state to protect and advance civil liberties across the state and beyond.

Zoe Hoffmann doesn’t consider any one place she lived while growing up her “hometown” – at least by the traditional definition of the word

She was born in Colorado but spent much of her childhood in New England. Living outside of Boston instilled in her an appreciation for history. Summers spent in Vermont fostered her love of Mother Earth. As a young adult, Zoe moved to the California Bay Area where she attended San Jose State University.

But these days, Wyoming is home – and there isn’t a better place to live, work, and play, the ACLU of Wyoming’s development director says. There’s no better place than Jackson to get outside! She loves hiking, camping, or spending time on the water with her husband, young son, and two German Shepherds. If she is stuck inside, Zoe really likes trying new recipes – her most recent favorite is a spiced peach pandowdy.

Her love of Wyoming is what drew Zoe to work for the ACLU.

“Protecting the constitutional rights of the people of Wyoming is vital to the future of our state and the well-being of our most vulnerable communities,” Zoe says. “I’m truly honored to join the ACLU and to use my skills to serve my community and an organization that advocates for systemic change. It’s a privilege to further this important work here.”

When did you first hear about the ACLU?

I can’t put my finger on when exactly I first heard of the ACLU, but the organization has been a household name for me since I was a kid. My grandmother played a big role (and still does) in instilling the formative values and civil rights that are important to me through books, articles, personal stories, and museum visits.

Which of the ACLU’s issue areas are you particularly passionate about and why?

This is a difficult one to answer! I strongly believe that every human has a right to safely live their lives as the people they are meant to be in the pursuit of life-long joy, with the freedom to seek healthcare that is right for each individual, access to education, and the ability to safely and easily vote.

What is your favorite way to get involved in your community?

One of my favorite ways to get involved in my community is by voting in local elections, supporting the local arts, and finding new small businesses to support.

Do you have any advice for someone who might be interested in getting more politically involved in their community?

Yes, vote! Educate yourself on current issues affecting your community and understand how upcoming elections can influence those issues. If you can, get your friends and family involved and bring someone with you when attending events. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to get the vote out.

What issues do you think are most important for Wyomingites to pay attention to?

If I had to choose one I would say the First Amendment. Freedom of speech is an integral part of our culture, our communities, and continued social progress. 

Right now, free speech is under threat in Campbell County as local political figures attempt to ban books at the local library. Reproductive freedom is also under attack in Wyoming, Wyomingites should be paying very close attention to local and state elections to help protect reproductive freedom and prevent further restrictions going into effect.