Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Download a know your rights packet in English or Spanish. Knowledge is power!
"This is the Moment to Be 100 Percent In." How One of the ACLU’s Immigrants' Rights Experts is Fighting For Our Freedoms.
Supreme Court May Decide if the Government Can Childproof the Internet
ACLU of Wyoming in the media
ACLU of Wyoming Opposes Anti-Sanctuary City Legislation
Like other “anti-sanctuary city” bills around the country, House Bill 133 would force local law enforcement to act like federal immigration agents, and it would punish towns and cities that choose not to do...
ACLU Opposes Bill to Invalidate Out-of-State Driver’s Licenses Issued to Undocumented Immigrants
Invalidating out-of-state driver’s licenses for undocumented residents, as House Bill 116 would do, won’t make Wyoming’s roads any safer, but it will make the state more inhospitable to immigrants.
Know Your Rights: ACLU to Host Workshop on Interacting with Law Enforcement for Immigrant Community in Jackson
Regardless of immigration status, everyone has basic rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution and civil rights laws – especially when it comes to interacting with law enforcement and ICE officials...
So You Got Blocked by a Politician on Social Media
When an elected official blocks a constituent from accessing their social media pages it may be an unconstitutional restriction on the constituent’s right to free speech under the First Amendment.