Update: The Senate Education Committee did not vote on house Bill 60 before the Committee of the Whole cutoff date so the bill is dead.

Background: House Bill 60 would expand Wyoming’s transgender athlete ban beyond its current limitation on middle and high school girls’ sports to include elementary and intercollegiate competition.  

Our position: The ACLU of Wyoming opposes House Bill 60.

This bill isn’t about protecting fairness in sports. It’s a bill that violates the United States Constitution and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, which protects all students – including those who are transgender – from discrimination based on sex. It’s a bill that erases and excludes trans people from participation in all aspects of public life. And it's a bill that creates a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, harming some of the most vulnerable people in Wyoming.

All young people should have the opportunity to play school sports and have their personal dignity respected. Transgender students are no different. No one is harmed by allowing transgender people to compete consistent with who they are.


Reps. Lawley, Andrew, Angelos, Clouston, Haroldson, Heiner, JT Larson, Neiman, Singh, and Williams and Sens. Brennan, Crago, Jones, Olsen, Schuler, and Steinmetz





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