Update: Senate lawmakers voted to advance House Bill 32. The bill now heads to Gov. Mark Gordon't desk for his signature.
Background: House Bill 32 would codify into state law the definition of “male” and “female” as being the gender assigned to someone at birth.
Our position: The ACLU of Wyoming opposes House Bill 32.
Known as the “What is a Woman Act,” this bill attempts to place antiquated gender assumptions as a rule of law and seeks to answer a question that is contextualized by far more than the biological gender norms that this bill intends to codify.
The bill establishes a stringent assertion of the definition of a man or woman that completely cuts transgender people out of the picture. We oppose the effects of this law that would prevent transgender women and men from accessing their rights. If passed, this legislation would have a detrimental impact on the ability for trans women and men to authentically live life.