Immigration issues have been at the forefront of our national dialogue for the past several months.
Family separations at the border and Trump’s emergency declaration to fund a full border wall have ensured immigration remains a contentious topic.
Closer to home it’s taking a slightly different spin. For the last year, the #WyoSayNo coalition and the ACLU of Wyoming have been pushing back against Management and Training Corporation’s proposed immigration prison in Uinta County.
Now, Management and Training Corporation (MTC) is talking to neighboring lawmakers, trying to convince them that this prison is good for our region. The prison would have the capacity to hold up to 600 undocumented immigrants detained by ICE while they await court hearings in Salt Lake City.
We need to make sure our message.
Contact legislators now and tell them you don’t support an immigration prison in our region and urge them to say no to MTC.
We need to send a message loud and clear to legislators that the people in our region believe keeping immigrant families together is what’s important – not a facility that rips them apart.
Use our sample letter below, to get your message across.