Voting is the cornerstone of democracy and a fundamental right. It all starts with knowing your rights at the ballot box.
The 2024 General Election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
- Absentee voting for the 2024 General Election begins: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
- Voter registration deadline for the 2024 General Election: Monday, October, 21, 2024 (Voters may still register in person and cast an absentee ballot October 22 – November 4, 2024.)
Here are a few ways you can be prepared to get your vote in easily, get your vote counted, and make sure your voice is heard in Wyoming:
Check your voter registration status at least 30 days before the election by calling your county clerk's office.
Locate your polling place and note the hours of operation.
Find out who and/or what is on your ballot before you go to the polls.
Consider voting early or absentee if possible. Request an absentee ballot from your county clerk's office. If you plan to vote at the polls, go early in the day to avoid the last-minute rush.
If you'll be registering at the polls or voting in a federal election for the first time, make sure your ID is valid and up to date.
If anyone challenges you about voting, don't get mad - get help.
More Information
- Wyoming Secretary of State – Elections Division
- 307-777-5860
- sos.wyo.gov
- U.S. Department of Justice
- 800-253-3931
- If you have problems voting or have additional questions, please call the national, non-partisan Election Protection hotline:
- English: 1-866-687-8683
- Spanish: 1-888-839-8682
- Arabic: 1-844-925-5287
- Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Urdu, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, or Vietnamese: 1-888-274-8683
- For local elections like school board, check with the current sitting board for dates, hours, and polling locations.
Please note, this page is a resource, not legal advice. It is provided for informational purposes only. Wyoming may revise its laws after this page is printed or published online. If you believe your rights have been violated or for more information on your rights as a voter, contact us at [email protected].