Right now, we are living in some pretty uncertain times. The daily news rolling in plagues communities and workplaces (with some of us still officing at home) with worry and many unanswered questions. So, what now?
One thing we should all remain certain of is the reality that our communities have the ability to heal and rebuild. We must continue strengthening our peers and changing the political makeup of today. The work toward equality and fairness will not cease, we must keep moving onward.
Each of us who are able must remain vigilant advocates for whatever issue or issues matter most to us and adapt to doing so from wherever we are.
Here are a few ways to do just that:
Write your legislators to check in before session starts
- If you’re tired of seeing bad bills proposed by your lawmakers that don't help Wyomingutes, email them right now and share how you are keeping their voting history in mind ahead of the legslative session. Tips and tricks here.
Set up phone calls or Zoom chats with folks in your community to prep for what’s next
Setting up a time to chat with your friends, neighbors, or colleagues is a great way to formulate a plan for your advocacy. Sign up for a free account here.
If you can, watch the news
Keep informed on what's happening out in the world so you can keep ahead of issues in your community and know when to act. Just make sure your sources are credible. We recommend outlets like the WyoFile, Buckrail, NPR or your favorite local public radio station.
Get your family involved
We know that advocacy comes in all forms and quite frankly, is appropriate for nearly any age. Whatever work you do, be sure to get your family involved – even the little ones! Check out our ACLU coloring pages below that can be printed off on demand. They’re perfect décor for your fridge or home office. Once colored in, post a photo and tag our Facebook page and encourage your friends to do the same.
Take action today
- Visit our action center for what you can do right now to support your community.